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Racquel Klause

Racquel Klause, RN, IBCLC, attended Nursing School at Purdue Calumet in Hammond, IN where she graduated with an Associate Degree in Nursing. She started her career in nursing as a Labor and Delivery Nurse where she continued to provide care to new families for 20 years. During that time, she worked as a Labor Nurse, a Postpartum Nurse, a Nursery Nurse, and a Level 2 Nursery Nurse. After having worked with breastfeeding moms and babies her entire career, she decided to become certified as an IBCLC so she could specialize in helping mothers with infant feeding — especially breastfeeding. Her own struggles, failures, and successes with breastfeeding were the driving force behind the decision to become an IBCLC. She realized that the difference between not achieving her breastfeeding goals and surpassing them was a good support system, that was led by an IBCLC, who also became her mentor and friend.

She has continued to educate herself in all areas of infant feeding, including oral restrictions, such as tongue-tie, and the benefits of good supportive care and treatment. She believes strongly in Evidence-Based Care and parent choice.