Call Us:  866.338.0825

Lauren George, CLC

  List of breastfeeding support services available in each Indiana county; includes drop-in centers, support groups, delivering hospitals, and more. Check out your county and let us know if there are any resources we can add to the list!

Community Webinars

Community Webinars are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month from 2 -3 pm.

Webinars are free but limited to the first 500 attendees. 

Downloads and Resources

Coalition Map

  This map shows all of the county and community coalitions around the state of Indiana.  If you find errors on this map, please use our contact form to submit a change.

Contact Lauren

Community Team

Meet the Team Lead

The Community Steering Committee focuses on the normalization of breastfeeding at home, at work, and in the community by enacting initiatives whose objectives are to help nursing mothers feel welcome and supported in the community. ​We address the social and political aspects of breastfeeding in the state of Indiana’s plan to support the U.S. Surgeon General’s Call to Action.

These action steps include:

  • ​ensuring that breastfeeding is recognized as the normal and preferred method of feeding infants and young children,
  • increase protection, promotion and support for breastfeeding mothers in the work force, 
  • educating and training child care providers and employers about breastfeeding and how to be supportive and meet the changing laws,
  • educating mothers about the availability of safe banked donor milk for fragile infants and encouraging donation by viable mothers.

Your input on these topics is needed and we would love to have your involvement. There are many ways to become involved. We will be looking for people to participate in event planning, booth design, press releases, and many other event and marketing focused projects. We are also actively reaching out to the coalitions around the state to update their contact information and get feedback about what is needed within the communities. Please consider exploring how you can contribute, and join us.